Alex was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Upon graduation of High School, he attended
Unity University in the Management Information System program for a period of 2 years. After moving to the United States, he attended the university of Southern Illinois and graduated in 2008 with a B.S in Industrial Engineering after which, he worked at multiple manufacturing companies, specifically tier 1 auto suppliers as an Industrial Engineer/Manufacturing Expert while attending McKendree University MBA program. Upon graduation of the MBA program, Alex worked at Walmart in the E-Commerce setting
optimizing US labor force-Store Operations, Pick Up Today as well as Same Day Delivery
initiatives. He currently heads the Operations/Quality team at an E-commerce/3PL startup
which provides technology solutions to provide clients with real time inventory tracking, IT,
Warehousing and Logistics Services.
Alex is working as a Director of Project Development for PurposeBlack Value Chain.