
Million W.

Board Member


Executive Assistant to the CEO, Board Member, and Director of Sales and Marketing


Email = millionw@blackeconomyexcellence.com


Million Woldestadik born and grew up in Ethiopia. She did her BA in Marketing & Salesmanship and also Management at Unity University, Ethiopia. Then she moved to the United States of America, where she did her BA and Masters in Rehabilitation Services with honor. She took database administration, DBA, courses. She is a member of the honor society of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She is also a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success in the same institution.

Million has excellent interpersonal skills and has vast experience in areas of


Finance (Clerk Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxation and Cost Accounting)


Business (Marketing, Salesmanship, Receptionist, Communication & Management)


Health (Phycology, Sociology, Philosophy, Logic, Mentoring, LifeCoaching, Vocational Counseling & Client Advocacy)


Technology (DBA, MSBI, Microsoft Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook, Publisher)

Million was a student union president for two years. During her tenure, she encouraged students to volunteer to donate blood to Red Cross Ethiopia. She is a member of the Rotary International Club. She volunteered in helping orphan children with Save the Children UK, Children Convention, Women Association, Youth Forum, Anti-HIV Adolescent Counseling Club, and Addis Hope Association (AHA).


Million is currently working at Black Economy Excellence as a board member, Executive Assistant, and Director of Sales and Marketing. Million strongly agrees with BEE’s vision and mission. She appreciates Dr. Fisseha Habtemariam for initiating this life-changing business idea.